In recent days, we had the pleasure of participating as sponsors with our Division Re4com Real Estate for Company dedicated to Corporate Real Estate, at the 31st Forum Scenari Immobiliari 2023 – a key event for the Italian Real Estate sector.
The 2023 edition of the Real Estate Forum Scenari was held on September 15 and 16 at the Excelsior Palace in Rapallo, with the guiding theme “CITY TO BE – The City We Want”.
The chosen guiding theme focused on the city of the future, emphasizing that only by concentrating on tomorrow and what we ourselves desire for the places we live in, can we outline a clear and truthful scenario of the near future.
One of the key focuses was on the European real estate market, which is expected to grow by 2.9 percent in 2024. You can read the Press Release here.
The event was attended by companies, experts, and institutions operating in the Real Estate sector in Italy, with noteworthy and engaging contributions.
Our Re4Com Founders present at the event had the opportunity to interact with industry operators, with whom they will pursue interesting collaboration opportunities in the corporate sector in the coming months.