On Wednesday, June 26, 2024, the sixth edition of the “Focus Immobiliare” event took place in Milan, organized by Re4Com Real Estate for Company, the corporate brand of the Grimaldi Family, and L’immobiliare.com Luxury & International division.
The conference room at the WJC | World Join Center in Milan hosted more than 150 real estate professionals and investors who gathered to learn about new trends and innovative projects in the industry. The central theme was “Multifunctional Districts and Specialist Residences.”

The event was structured into two working sessions, featuring contributions from prominent figures in the Real Estate sector:
- Francesca Zirnstein, General Manager of Scenari Immobiliari: The Future is Now. Major Trends and Real Estate Impacts
- Michele Brunello, Architect and Co-Founder of DONTSTOP Architettura: Urban Re-Mix: From Multifunctional Neighborhoods Designed for Spaces to Those Designed for People
- Marco Claudio Grillo, CEO of AbitareIn – The HOMIZY Mission: A Home as an Apartment with Shared Spaces and a Private Room
- Alberto Cancelli, Head of Project Management ADV at Planet Smart City: Post-Sales Challenges
- Carlo Giordano, Board Member of Immobiliare.it: Luxury Market Analysis
- Renato Minato, Head of Real Estate at Carron Costruzioni Generali: Specialist Residences in Historic Centers: Opportunities for Real Estate Projects and Creating Quality Urban Residential Spaces
- Piergiorgio Galantino, General Manager Sales at Harpaceas: The Benefits of Digital Transformation in Real Estate
- Luca Fini, CFO of Euroansa: The Luxury Sector and Services for Businesses
- Alessandro Fedele, Sales & Network Representative at OPISAS: International Real Estate Investments; Why Invest with OPISAS

The 6th Real Estate Focus highlighted several key themes that are already shaping—and will increasingly dominate—the real estate market, including the rising demand for mixed-use residential spaces, the growing popularity of specialist residences, the need for integrating smart technologies, sustainability concerns, and the pursuit of personalized and luxurious experiences.
The event was introduced by Jacopo Maria Grimaldi, CEO of L’immobiliare.com and Founder of Re4Com Real Estate for Company, who outlined the event’s agenda and Re4Com’s corporate initiatives.
For L’immobiliare.com Luxury & International, Alessandro Masiero, Commercial Director of L’immobiliare.com, presented data on the luxury real estate market and introduced the Luxury Networking project by L’immobiliare.com.

The event concluded with a pleasant networking aperitif at the exclusive GinArteria venue within the WJC Congress gallery.
We would like to thank all the speakers, partners, real estate agents, and professionals who attended and participated in this important annual event.
The next FOCUS IMMOBILIARE will take place in 2025 in Rome for the 7th edition!